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新目标七下Unit 3讲练测

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Unit 3 How do you get to school?Section A知能新视窗 本节主要学习30—100的数词来表达时间,和一些交通式的动词短语,并能运用how,how long来询问他人去某地的乘车式和所需的时间。开小灶1. How do you get to school? 你是怎样去上学?(1) how作疑问副词,表示“如,怎样,以种式或手”。此句是对交通式的提问,其回答式如下:I get to school on foot / by bike / by bus. 我步行/骑自行车/乘公交车去上学。(2) get意为“到达”,是不及物动词,后接地点名词时应加介词to。如:I usually get home at six o’clock. 我通六点钟到家。He got to Shanghai yesterday. 昨天他到达。【辨析】get, arrive, reach① arrive意为“抵达,到达”,是不及物动词,后接地点名词时,应跟介词at或in。当表示的地点是国家、城市等相对大地时,用介词in,反之,当到达的地点是车站、机场等小地时,就用介词at。如:When will they arrive in Beijing? 他们几点到达?Please call me as soon as you arrive at the hotel. 一到宾馆请给我打电话。② reach意为“到达”,是及物动词,后可直接带宾语。如:The climbers reached the top of the mountain at midnight. 登山队员们半夜到达山顶。2. I ride my bike. 我骑车。ride one’s bike是强调骑车的动作。其中one’s还可用a或the。又如:ride a horse骑马 ride the motorbike骑摩托车3. I usually walk but sometimes I take the bus. 我通步行去,但有时也坐公共汽车。(1) “take + the + 交通工具”用表示“乘……”,相当“by + 交通工具”。如: I will take the train to Kunming. = I will go to Kunming by train. 我将乘火车去昆明。【链接】① 与交通式相关的动词短语。 take the subway乘地铁 take the bus乘公共汽车 take the train乘火车 take th


新目标七下Unit 3讲练测
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