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上不得分?第Ⅰ卷(选择题 共 50 分)一?单项填空(共 20 小题,计 20 分)选择最佳答案?1. Amy often plays   chess but sometimes she plays   drums with her friends.  A. the; the  B. /; the  C. the; /2. Becky works for the old people and she is good   the old people.  A. with  B. for  C. at3. —Do you get to school early in the morning, Carol?—Yes, I do. And I am   late for school.  A. sometimes  B. always  C. never4. Clark has good teeth because he brushes   teeth before he goes to bed every day.  A. he  B. him  C. his5. I know ice-cream is not good for my health, but it really tastes   .  A. well  B. good  C. bad6. —How do you get to school on school days?—I usually   to school.  A. by bus  B. take bus  C. take the bus7. Dave,   late for class again and you must follow the school rules.  A. doesn't arrive  B. arrives  C. don't arrive8. Kids like to go to the zoo because they can see many   animals there.  A. kind of  B. kinds of  C. lots of9. Liu Ni


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