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人教版英语八年级下册unit6 section b2a-2d课件

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Unit 6 An old man tried to move the mountains.Section B 1 2a~2dRetell the story.12Review345e.g. Luckily to her, her stepmother     was kind to her.     幸运的是,她的继母对她很好。2. wife n. 妻子; 太太e.g. He phoned his wife to say he’d be     late.     他打电话告诉他太太说要晚到。1. stepmother n. 继母New words3. husband n.  丈夫e.g. Mrs. Brown lost her husband in     the crowd.     在人群中布朗太太和丈夫走散了。4. whole adj. 全部的; 整体的e.g. All the students succeeded in the     exam.    所有的学生考试合格。 辨析: whole强调整体上 the whole + n.       all强调全部(数量上)all the + n. 5. scene n.  场;场景 e.g. The last scene has been cut off     from the film.     最后一个场景已经从电影中剪掉    了。7. bright  adv. 明亮地; 光亮地  e.g. The moon shines so bright tonight.      今晚的月亮如此明亮。  拓展:bright adj. 明亮的; 光线充足的  e.g. The sky is usually bright and blue.      天空通明亮湛蓝。6. shine v. 发光; 照耀  e.g. Thu sun was shining and the sky       was blue. 阳光灿烂, 天空一片蓝。 8. ground  n. 地;地面e.g. Heavy snow has covered the ground.          大覆盖了地面。e.g. Would you please to lead us around     your factory?    你能带我们参观一下你的工厂吗?9. lead v. 带路;领路  e.g. I think Liu Yang is a brave soldier.      我认为阳是一位敢的士兵。10. brave


人教版英语八年级下册unit6 section b2a-2d课件
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