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人教版九年级上英语Unit 6复习提纲

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Unit 6 When was it invented?一.单词1. music(n)---musical(adj)音乐的;有音乐天的---musician(n(音乐家2. custom(n)---customer(n)顾客;客户3. hero(n)---heroes(pl.)英雄;男主角4. Canada(n)---Canadian(adj/n)加拿大人(的);加拿大的5. please(inter/v)---pleasure(n)高兴;愉快---pleased(adj)满意的6. smell(v/n)---smelt/smelled(过去式/过去分词)发出...气味;闻到7. translate(v)---translation(n)翻译;译文---translator(n)(尤指专职)翻译;译员;翻译家8. near(prep/adj)---nearly(adv)几乎9. sudden(adj)---suddenly(adv)突然;忽然                     二.短语Section A1. by accident 偶然的;意外的2. take place 发生;出现3. without doubt 毫无疑问;的确4. all of a sudden 突然;猛地5. be used for (doing sth.) =be used to (do sth.) 被用来做……6. It is said that… 据说7. fall into 落入;掉入8. It is believed that 人们认为9. bring to 带到;带入10. less than 少;不到 more than 多11. know about 了解12. the nature of tea 茶的本质13. at a low price 以很低的价格14. have a point 有道理15. the style of ……的样式16. in our daily life 在我们的日生活中17. some time 一时间18. the saint of tea 茶圣19. in the 19th century 在19世纪20. run on electricity 靠电力驱动21. change the world 改变世界Section B1. by mistake 错误地;无意中2. divide…into 把……分开3. look


人教版九年级上英语Unit 6复习提纲
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