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人教版九年级英语Unit 10 Reading 1 Grammar Focus课件

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课 前 预 习Period 2  Reading 1 & Grammar Focus课 本 链 接典 例 精 讲语 法 聚 焦课 后 巩 固relaxed arrive a bit late value value the time everyday life drop by make plans to do sth. walk around as...as possible/one can capital after all noon mad get mad effort make an effort avoid heavy traffic keep sb.doing sth. go abroad passport clean...off chalk blackboard northern coast season pack warm clothes knock eastern take off in social situations worth manner Colombia and Switzerland time D B A A C mind late spend drop plans the someone/somebody if waiting without mad season eastern capital calling greets value blackboard coast passport for the first time dropped by Shaking hands made a mistake don't suppose/think as many books as make an effort try my best on time no big deal clean off to make friends with B A C A B D C B D B with them covered ago up place the first speak So


人教版九年级英语Unit 10 Reading 1 Grammar Focus课件
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