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Unit 11词汇练习(30题)1. Their____( 友谊)goes back to when they were at school together2. This is a ____(首要的,基本的) example of 1930s architecture3. During a successful business career, she accumulated a great amount of ____(财富)4. I begin to lose ____ (重量)when I stop eating sugar.5. They showed great ____(敢,气) when they found out about their baby's disability.6. I'm sorry to ____(使失望) but I'm afraid I can't come after all.7. The loud music makes me ____(紧的)8. Money and ____(名誉) don’t always make people happy9. She said that sad movie made her____(哭).10. But whatever it was, don’t be too____(对某人苛刻) on yourself.11. ____(两者都不)of us is interested in the film.12. ____(三者以上都不) of the answers is right13. I think you should lose _____ (体重). You are getting too fat.14. —What are you going to be when you grow up?—I want to be a football _____(教练)15. May put a bag of rice on his right _____(肩膀)and left the shop.16. The boy ____ (踢) off his shoes and went to bed without washing his feel.17. Failure is the mother of success. Keep up your ____ (气) and never give up.18. You'd better ____(脱下)your coat


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