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期末单元Unit 11◆单词一、词义助记。1.相当;相反rather  2.最近;不久前 lately3.友谊;友情friendship 4.首要的;基本的prime5.大臣;部长minister 6.苍白的;灰白的pale7.检查;检验 examine   8.也不nor9.财富 wealth          10.柠檬lemon11.球门;目标 goal     12.而且besides13.同队队员 teammate   14.敢;气 courage15.家伙 guy           16.轻松;解脱 relief17.过失;缺点 fault     18.使失望 disappoint二、词形转换。1.bank(n.)银行→ banker (名词,指人)2.famous(adj.)出名的→ fame (名词)3.king(n.)国→ queen (词)4.comfortable(adj.)适的;服的→ uncomfortable (反义词,加词缀)5.weigh(v.)重量是;称……的重量→ weight (名词)6.push(v.)推→ pull (反义词)7.nod(v.)点头→nodding(现在分词)→ nodded (过去式)→ nodded (过去分词)8.agree(v.)同意;赞同→ agreement (名词)◆词组一、汉译英。1.使人发疯 drive sb. crazy/mad2.有……共同之处 have…in common3.成为某人的朋友 be friends with sb.4.不括;忽略 leave out5.像粉笔一样苍白 be pale as chalk6.召集;请来 call in7.既不……也不neither…nor…8.首相;大臣 prime minister9.取代某人 take one's position10.在三天之内 in three days' time11.最糟糕的一天 the worst day12.错过做某事 miss doing sth.13.让……失望 let…down14.开除某人 kick sb. off15.对某人苛刻 be hard on sb.16.从某人的错误中吸取教训 learn from one's mistakes17.对某事感到抱歉 be sorry about sth.18.齐心协力 pull together19.令某人欣慰的是 to one's relief20.向某人压 put pressure on sb.二、英译汉。1.w


上一篇:人教版九年级英语全一册Unit 11 Sad movies made me cry. _ Section B 3a—3b Self check课件    下一篇: 人教版九年级英语第十一单元Section B 1a-1e课件有音频