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人教版九年级全册英语Unit 12 Section B 1a-2c课件

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Period 3  Section B 1a-2cUnit 12  Life is full of the unexpected.一、 词汇预习:请拼读下列单词和短语,并写出其中文意思。课前预习1. discovery  n.         2. cancel  v.         3. officer  n.         4. believable  adj.         5. disappear  v.         6. announce  v.                        .                               .                             .                               .                            .                            .             发现,发觉 取消,终止 军官,官员可相信的,可信的消失,不见 宣布,宣告 7. costume party          8. sell out                       .                               .               化装舞会  卖光  二、 考点预习考点1  fool的用法(1)fool作动词时意为“愚弄,欺骗”。用短语有:fool sb. into doing sth.,意为“欺骗某人做某事”。如:He fooled the old woman into giving him money.  他欺骗那位老妇人,要她给他。(2)fool作名词时意为“蠢人,傻瓜”。April Fool’s Day意为“愚人节”。用短语有:make a fool of sb.,意为“取笑……; 捉弄……”。如:Don’t make a fool of her.  不要取笑她。(3)fool的形容词是foolish,意为“愚蠢的,傻的”。   如:It’s foolish of him to make such a decision.  他做这样的决定真的很傻。CD考点2  sell的用法sell v. 意为“卖,销售”。见的短语有:sell well,意为“卖得很好,很热销”;sell out, 意为“卖光,卖完”。如:The fresh and cheap apples sold well. They were sold out quickly. / They


人教版九年级全册英语Unit 12 Section B 1a-2c课件
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