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人教新目标英语九年级Unit12 Section A 3a-4c)导学案

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Unit 12 Life is full of the unexpected.第二 Section A(3a ~ 4c)【学习目标】单词:1. miss v. 2. unexpected adj. 3. block n. 4. worker n. 5. stare v. 6. disbelief n. 7. above adv. 8. burn v. 9.alive adj. 10. airport n. 11. till conj.& prep. 12. west adv. 13. cream n.  14.pie n. 15. bean n. 16. market n. 词组:1. miss both events 2. full of unexpected3. be about to do sth 4. stare in disbelief at. 5. raise above the burning building 6. jump out of bed7. collect the math homework 8. complete the work for my boss 9. make the apple pie 10. show up 11. add the green beans【学习过程】一、课前预习 (教师寄语:预习感知,有备无患。)写出下面短语的意思。1. stare in disbelief at ________2. be full of ________3. arrive at ________4. be about to _________ 5.even though ________6. wait in line ________7. take off _________8. think to oneself ________ 9. turn into __________ 10. find out ____________11制作苹果馅饼      12完成某事        13露面        14把......放入        二、课上活动(导学)教师寄语: 展示自我,合作1.导入。播放一美国9.11恐怖袭击或日本大地震,菲律宾海啸的视频, 让同学回答这分别是什么事件,并询问他们在生活中是否碰到过一些意想不到的事。2. 速读(1) 要求学生快速默读短文,熟知大意,并完成课本3a的务。 ①which two things does the writer mention?              


人教新目标英语九年级Unit12  Section A 3a-4c)导学案
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