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Unit 141 Survey n. 调查 do a survey about/of 对......做调查Do a market survey 做市场调查the result of the survey 调查结果  We often do a survey about the students 我们经对学生做调查。  2 standard  n. 标准;水平 meet the standards of a strict teacher 符合一个严格教师的标准There is no standard for beauty美没有标准 。Living standard生活水平3 row n. 一排;一列;一行 stand in a row 站成一排 in a row 连续几次地 score two goals in a row during a soccer competition.      4 keyboard n. 键; 键盘 play a keyboard in music class 谈键盘式电子乐器5 method n. 法 teaching method教学法6 instruction  n. 指示;命令 follow the instruction 遵循指令, 遵照说明give really clear instruction给出清晰的指令 take medicine according to the instruction.根据说明吃药7 double v. 加倍;是??的两倍 adj. 两倍的;加倍的 My scores doubled 我的成绩翻倍。 A double bed 双人床8 look back at 回首,回忆,回顾 Looking back at these past three years ,I have learned a lot of knowledge 回首这过去的三年,我学到了很多。  9 overcome v. 克服;战胜 (overcame,overcome)He has enough courage to overcome the difficulty.他有足够的气克服困难。10 make a mess 弄得一团糟,一塌糊涂  She makes a mess of things 她把事情弄得一团糟。11 graduate v. 毕业;获得学位 He will graduate from the school in July.他将在七月毕业。--graduation n. 毕业 After graduat


上一篇:人教新目标英语九年级Unit14 I remember meeting all of you in Grade7 period 1说课稿    下一篇: 人教版九年级英语Units 5-8语法归纳