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人教新目标版八年级上册Unit 7 Will people have robots Section B (2b-2c)课件

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Unit 7Will people have robots?Section B 2b--2cDo you know about robots ?What do the robots look like?What can the robots do?一、robot一词的由来1  该词来源1920年捷克的一个反映科幻内容的话剧。剧中的一个人物名叫robota(捷克文,意为苦力,奴隶),一个形状像人的机器,可以听从人的命令做各种工作。2 英文robot是从robota衍生而来的。3  我国将robot翻译为机器人,给人一种错觉,机器人一定具有人的外形。其实,应该为具有人的某种的功能的机器。机器人的应用工业汽车生产线上的焊接机器人农业  草坪割草机器人军事地面侦察排雷和攻击。美国 “剑” 军用机器人美国 “剑” 军用机器人医疗  高精度和高难度的外科手术What do therobots look like ?todaytodayWhat do they look like?They look like humans.What do they look like ?They look like snakes.What does it look like?It looks like a dog. What can the robots do ?What can the robot do? It can….talk with peopledo exercise cookplay the pianowhat can they do ?They can …..Play footballdanceBut what will robots look like and do for us in the future ?2b Read the article and match each paragraph with the question it discusses.Para 1    will robots think like humans in           the future?Para 2    what will robots be like in the           future?Para 3    what can robots do today?Para 4    what are robots like in movies? task 1  When we watch movies about the future,we sometimes see


人教新目标版八年级上册Unit 7 Will people have robots Section B (2b-2c)课件
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