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新版八年级英语上册Unit8How do you make a banana milk shake?SectionA 1a-2b课件

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How do you make a banana milk shake?Unit 8点此播放教学视频Review州谷旦心校 晓菊What kind of fruit do you like? I like …..点此播放视频How do you usually eat bananas?A: Peel the banana and eat it.      /pi: l/ 剥;削B: Peel the banana, cut it up    and eat it. c: Peel the banana ,cut it up and pour some  yogurt into it/p?: / 倾倒pour …into..把…倒入….  /k? t/ 切碎/j?:g?t/ 酸奶banana milk shake            /?eIk/奶昔ingredients/ In'gri:dI?nts /(材料;原料)a cup of milktwo spoons of ice creamWhat do we need?  blender  /'blend? /  果汁机,搅和器knife水果刀cup杯子plate盘子three bananas /spu:n/ 勺子 /k?p/ 杯子peel the bananas.cut up the bananas.put the bananas and ice cream into the blender.Let’s make a banana milk shake togetherFirst,Next,Next,把…放进…去pour the milk into the blender. turn on the blender. drink the milk shake.Finally,Next,Then, (After that, turn off the blender.)        打开关上/‘fa?n?lI/最后How to make a banana milk shake? First, peel…Next cut up…Next, put … into …Then, turn on…Finally ,drink…  Next, pour …into ...Challenge yourself:Make a milk shake with your favorite fruit.A: How do you make a banana/ apple/… milk shake B: Peel the


新版八年级英语上册Unit8How do you make a banana milk shake?SectionA 1a-2b课件
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