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八年级上英语期末试题听力理解(20分)听下面5对话,选出最佳答案(  ) 1.What does Hector want to be?A singer.   B. A pilot   C. A teacher(  ) 2.What does Peter like in a sandwich ?A. Tomatoes   B. Lettuce   C. Butter(  ) 3.Which one does John think is the best?    A. Sun Cinema. B. Town Cinema.  C. Moon Theater.(  ) 4.What did the woman do yesterday?    A .She did housework.  B. She did her homework  C .She watched a basketball game(  ) 5.How long does it take Peter to walk to school ?15 minutes.    B. 10 minutes.    C. 25 minutes第二节 听下面几对话或独白,选出最佳答案。听下面一对话回答6、7两题(  )6.Which one isn’t the boy’s resolution?    A. He is going to take singing lessons.    B. He is going to study hard.    C. He is going to do more exercise.                                                                                                                                                                                   (   ) 7.How many resolutions does the boy have?    A. Two      B. Three     C. Four听下面一对话回答8、9两题。(  )8.Where is the girl going?A. To the shopping center.  B. To the train station.  C. To the bus station.(  ) 9.


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