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八年级英语下册unit 2教学案(第二课时)

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教 学 案Ss read the article quickly and try to ans wer the questions: 1. Why does Mario volunteer to help others?  2. Why does M ary volunteer to help others?3. What does Mario say about volunteering?  4. What does Mary say about volunteering?探究新知:看看谁最棒 1.give up several hours each week to help others  2. want to be an animal doctor3.help him to get his future dream job       4.Want to learn more about sth.5.how to care for animals            6. decide to try out for sth.7.Work there once a week to help kids do sth    8. Learn to read9.Love to do sth.展示汇报: 完成句子。1. Mario would like _____ an animal doctor.2. Mario works for an animal hospital because he wants ________ about how _______ for animals. 3. Mary decided ________ for a job at an after-school reading program last year. She still works there now _______ kids learn to read.4. Mary has a dream job because she can do what she loves ____________.  实践创新: 完成课文:  Mario loves animals and           . He volunteers          every Saturday morning .Mario believes it can          . ”It’s hard work,” he says, “but I         animals. I get    


八年级英语下册unit 2教学案(第二课时)
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