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八年级(下)英语导学案     人:忠      :忠      (审批):       姓名:       组别:      编号:7     批阅:TopicUnit 2 I’ll help to clean up the city park.Section A 1a-2d  (听说课)知识市:1.短语动词的基本用法: 短语动词是一种固定搭配形式,可以把它作为一个整体,同一般动词一样使用.短语动词可以分为 以下几种基本句型:(1).动词+副词Cut up, cut off, cheer up, give out, give up, write down, pick up, put on, put up, take off, find out, look up, fix up. 这种结构的短语动词既可以用作及物动词也可以用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,如所带的宾语为名词,名词位副词的前面或后面都行;如果所带的宾语为代词,宾语要位副词的前面。  Eg: They put off the match because of the heavy rain.    My bicycle is broken. I’m going to ask some one to fix it up. (2)动词+介词Look after, wait for, look for, send for, hear of, hear from, worry about, pay for, talk about, look like, listen to.这种结构的短语动词一般不可分开使用,用作及物动词。Eg: Don’t worry about me . I’ll be all right in a few days.(3) 动词+副词+介词 Come up with, run out of, look out of, keep up with等Eg : Yesterday, Karen ran out of her pocket money.(4)动词+名词have a rest, take a walk, have a try, take a walk, make mistakes, take place, tell a lie.Eg: Let’s have another try.(5)动词+名词+介词have a look at, make friends,have a word with, pay attention to, make fun


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