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     考试时间:90分钟      满分:120分       得分:__________        Ⅴ.单项选择(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)单词辨音 找出画线部分与其他单词发音不同的选项。(5分)(  )21.A.seat    B. feel    C. sick  (  ) 22.A. that    B. thick   C. think  (  ) 23.A.fear    B .there   C. really (  ) 24.A.asked   B. washed  C. excited (  ) 25.A.boss   B. almost  C. lonely选择填空 从A、B、C三个选项中选出一个能填入空白处的最佳选项。(15分)(  )26. You don't know the way. Why ______ the policeman for help?A. don't ask      B. no ask    C. not ask (  )27. The girl is new here and she lives _______. So she seems _______. A. lonely; lonely   B. alone; lonely   C. lonely; alone  (  )28. This film is as ________ as that one. A. interesting   B. more interesting   C. interested  (  )29. My father doesn’t have much money. I don’t have, ____.       A. too       B. also          C. either(  )30. My parents are always strict ____ me.       A. with      B. in            C. on              (  )31.Mike worked hard,but he______ the final exam.     A.liked     B.failed       C.passed(  ) 32.Li Ying used to ______ in the countryside,but now she______ life in city.      


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