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Unit 6 When was it invented Section A课件

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Unit 6 Period 1Section A 1a-1cWhen was it invented?年份的读法两个数字一组,分为前后两组121865   eighteen sixty five1989 千年的读法    two thousand  2001two thousand and onenineteen eighty nine3前两个数字不为零,后两个数字为零。    eighteen hundred1900 nineteen hundred4非四位数的年份的读法!531    five hundred and thirty-one 翻译下列年代:1 nineteen seventy-one____________   2 eighteen eighty-five__________3. eighteen seventy-six          4.1927_________________ 5.1976______________________     6. 2008____________________7. 20141971年1885年1876年nineteen twenty-sevennineteen seventy-sixTwo thousand and eightnineteen and fourteenWhat are the Four Great Inventions in ancient China?Do you know?Chinese four great ancient inventionscompassgun powderprintingPaper makingModern inventionscalculator?lkjuleit?]A: I think the TV was invented    before the car.B: Well, I think the TV was    invented after the car.Talk about with your parterner.A: I think the calculator was invented    before the computer.B: Well, I think the calculator was    invented after the computer.Talk about with your parterner.Listen and choose the sentences.A Cars were invented


Unit 6 When was it invented Section A课件
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