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九年级Unit 6知识复习

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Unit 6 一. 短语change the world 改变世界 2.My pleasure! 乐意效劳 3. think about考虑,思考 4. by accident 意外地,偶然地5.It’s said that….据说 6. drinking water 饮用水7. fall into 掉入,掉进8. produce a nice smell散发出一种清香 9. It’s believed that…人们相信…. 人们认为…. 10. take place发生,出现 11. without doubt 毫无疑问,的确 12. at a low price低价13. translate …. into … .把…译成… 14. all of a sudden 突然(的 )15. in the end 最后,终16. by mistake 错误地17. divide ….into…. 把…..分开18. at the same time 同时  19.Stop…. from doing sth 阻止….做某事 20.get ….into….把…..放入….. 21. not only…. but also…. 不但…..而且…. 22. more and more越来越(多) 23. look up to钦佩,仰慕 24. encourage sb to do sth 鼓励某人做某事 25. achieve one’s dream 实现梦想 26. come up with 想出27. at sb’s heels 紧跟在某人后面 28. under the heel of… 被…..践踏 29. scoop out 舀出,挖出30. produce electricity 发电 31.in style 流行,时尚地 32. out of style 过时地 33.project manager 项目经理 34. give pleasure to 使…. 高兴….. 35. at one’s pleasure 随心所欲 36. Pain past is pleasure 苦尽甘来 37. daily life 日生活38. young pioneer 少先队员 39. make a list 列清单 40. price list 价目单41. Don’t mention it 不客气 不用 没关系 42.boil up 煮沸 烧开 43.remain calm 保持冷静  44. sense of smell 嗅觉 45. in doubt


九年级Unit 6知识复习
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