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人教新目标九年级 Unit 11 Section A-3课件

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Unit 11Sad movies make me cry.Section A 3a-3c九年级(全)kingpowerprimeministerprime ministerbankerfamepalequeenn. 国;主n. 权力;力量adj. 首要的;基本的n. 大臣;部长首相;大臣n. 银行家n. 名声;声誉adj. 苍白的;灰白的n. 后;女call inexaminenorneither...nor...palacewealth召来;叫来v. (仔细地)检查;检验conj. & adv. 也不既不.......也不......n. 宫;宫殿n. 财富ObjectivesTo understand the art of happinessTo learn to use the new words and phrases.prime minister; banker; fame; palequeen; feel like doing sth.; call in; neither...nor...Read the last paragraph and answer the questions below. Who would be taken into the palace by the king’s top general? What can make you happy?1. It may be a person who live a simple and easy life. He is satisfied with his present and never worried about lose anything.2.Love, satisfaction, gifts...There is a saying,   Yesterday is history   Tomorrow is a mystery   But today is a gift   That is why it’s called the present   (the gift) 俗语说:   过去的,已经过去了   未来的,还未可知   现在,却是上苍的礼赠   3a Read the story and answer the questions.1. Can medicine help the king?   Why or why not?2. Why does power not make the prime    minister happy?3. Why does


人教新目标九年级 Unit 11 Section A-3课件
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