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所属栏目: 英语论文  更新时间:2017-06-28 点击次数:

源初 中教 师*网 w Ww.9 1

   红花小学  黄晟

  一,课前的问候用语。每一次课的开始,师生之间可以Creetings∕chatting∕checking attendance等进行交流。师生问候,我们可以说Hello,boys and girls.∕Hi,everyone∕everybody.或直接说Good morning/afternoon/evening class/boys and girls.和学生随便聊聊How are you today?/How are you doing?或是Are you OK?/Are you fine?学生会回答Fine,thank you,and you?等等。检查学生到堂的情况Are we all here,today?/Is everyone here today?或直接问Who is not here,today?/Who is absent?学生们会根据实际情况回答Yes,we are all here./Everyone is here.或No,sb.isn't here today.等等。
  二,准备教学用语。开始上课了,但一些准备工作没做好,比如书没拿好,黑板没有擦等等。这时可以说will/Would/Can you please clean the blackboard?或Would you like to clean the blackboard?学生会回答Yes,I will./Me!如果你只想擦掉黑板的一半 或某一部分,那么,可以说Just clean this half/Leave this section/Don't clean this part.语气生硬了一点。如果学生的座位没座好,或没有按课堂要求坐,这时可以说Could you∕would you ∕I want you to move your chair(s)∕desk(s) back∕forward∕this way∕that way please?等。
  三,课堂教学用语。上课开始了,一般可以说Today,we are going to lean a dialogue about      。或Now,I want you to learn something new∕a story about sth.然后,进行新知识的教与学。要进行小组活动了,那么说I want∕I'd like all of you∕you all∕everybody to answer the questons∕read the text.或说I would like this∕that half∕group∕team to read the sentence∕dialogue.学生做的好,予以表扬Good∕Great∕excerllent.还可以说Good job!∕that's super!∕you got it∕good try!∕please give him/her a big hang/yes,a good answer.but a bit louder please,OK?etc.如果学生没做好,No,that wasn't very good∕clear!或Oh dear,I'm sorry to say let's do∕try it again.Ready?Go!同样可以说Now,to do this,I want you in groups.In fours,please,groups of four.So,look,you two turn round,so you can talk to the two behind you.小组比赛了,Now we are going to have a competition with teams.Which team can answer∕do it frist∕best?We score∕write points on the blackboard and we will see who wins∕who gets the most.进行听力训练或看课件或视频了,Ready?I'll turn it on.Oh,dear.It's too loud.∕too bright.I'd beter turn it down.∕turn it up a bit.Is that better now?OK,It's OK now.∕Good,that's better.Let's find the right place on the tape.∕picture.Then,there we are.We can begin now.
  四,新课或某一教学任务结束后,强调该学习任务的重点或教学要点,布置家庭作业等。Right!,I think we will stop here today或So much for this lesson.∕That's all for this lesson.You have done enouph of that.∕You've done that quite well.In the class,we've leant something about sth.Do you know?OK,at home,do∕write∕read the exercise∕text on …in exercise book∕text book.最后,师生下课,再见。Good bye, class.See you tomorrow.∕next time,etc.

源初 中教 师*网 w Ww.9 1
上一篇:让农村小学绽放英语之花    下一篇:突出学生课堂主体地位,提高英语教学实效性