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unit 1 my name is gina(第4课时)教案

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英语 七年级上册Unit 1My name’s Gina.Period 4Content Section B 2a, 2b, 2c教学目标要求1.能够认知英语中一些见的名和姓,如:Green, Miller, Alan等。2.能够了解英语与汉语在人名表达上的差异,如英语名在前,姓在后;汉语与之相反等。3.能够用特殊疑问句询问对或第三的姓和名,如:What’s your last name? 等。4.能够用英语流畅地告诉别人自己的姓和名,如:My first name is Gina. 等。5.能够认读并能工整书写所学单词,如:first, last等。 教学过程 活动步骤活动目的及其操作教学资源运用时间4 m1已学目标语和谈论电话号码的话题Look at the screen and answer my questions.— What’s Alan’s telephone number?— What’s Ms. Smith’s telephone number?(897-3052, 505-1946) 2仿照上述对话,组织Pair work活动OK. We heard two telephone numbers just now (随手板书telephone number) Now let’s pair work: Ask and answer what your telephone number is and what his or her telephone number is. Then introduce your friend’s and your telephone number to other students.学生两人活动,教师抽查几组学生  导入时间1 m3导入新课话题Well, we’re going to go on learning Section B today. 4引入单元标题教师板书或课件显示:Unit 1 Period 5 What’s your last name?教师询问几个学生:What’s your last name?2a时间9 m5感知英语中的姓和名First, look at the picture. Please watch and answer the questions: What’s the boy’s first name?What’s his last name?(Jack, Smith)Do you know


unit 1 my name is gina(第4课时)教案
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