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新目标七年级英语上册unit 1 my name is gina学案

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  Unit 1 My name’s Gina学案一、学习内容:七年级英语上册第一单元Unit 1 My name’s Gina二、学习目标:1 Can read the words and phrases of these units       2 Can use the words and phrases of these units correctly三、学习法:自主学习、合作探究、师生互动四、使用:2 五、学习导航知识梳理:1.如就名字提问2.Be动词如运用SectionA3a-3c将下列人称和be动词形式搭配A. am  B. are  C. is1. you  2. he  3. I1.    2.    3.     二、用所给词的适当形式填空1.    (he) name is Nick.    (she) name is Sally.   (I0 name is Tony..2.I   (be) Jenny.He is Jack.3.   (you) jacket is yellow.用am is或are填空1.-What    your name?-My name   Linda.2.-Hello! How   you?-I    fine,thanks.3.-What   this in English?-It   ruler.-What color  it?-It    green.4.His name   Bob.5.Her name   Jenny.四、单项选择1.-What’s his mother’s name?-         .A.I’m sure.  B.Her name is Sue.  C. his name is Sue. D.He is Sue.2.(州)-Is Tom your friend?-      .A. Yes, it is.   B.No, it isn’t.   C. Yes, he isn’t D. No, he isn’t21cnjy.com3.(济南)He is a boy.   Name is Bob.A.His    B.My  C.Her D.Your4.-Is your name Jim Green?-     .A. Yes, I am.   B.No, I am.   C. Yes, it is D. Yes,I’m.5.Mike and  are good friends A.I   B.me C.your D.her6.-Are you a mid


新目标七年级英语上册unit 1 my name is gina学案
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