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(满分100分 )    第一部分 听力(共20分)I.听对话,回答问题(10分) (  )1. How does Joe like English?   B               C.                 (   )2. Where does the woman work?    A.            B.              C.        (   )3. What day is it the day after tomorrow(后天)?   A.           B.              C.                  (   ) 4. What is Lucy good at?    A.              B.            C.                 (   ) 5. Why doesn’t Mike join(加入) the football team? Because it takes too long. Because it’s boring(无聊的). Because he is ill. (   ) 6. What are they talking about?    A. A radio.       B. The weather.      C. A holiday.(   ) 7. What does the boy want to do?    A. Go to the cinema.   B. Go back home.     C. Go to the hospital. (   ) 8. Who has an English dictionary?    A. The boy.      B. Jane.         C. Lucy. (   ) 9. What’s the date today?    A. April 1st      B. May 8th        C. March 7th (   )10. How do they get to the park?    A. By bus       B. By bike        C. On footII.听对话和短文回答问题(10分)听第一对话,回答11-12 小题.(   )11. Whose watch is on the desk?   A. Peter’s      B. Jill’s        


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