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Can you play the guitar全单元课件

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Can you play the guitar?Unit 1 Let’s enjoy the song:I can sing,sing,sing,sing.I can dance,dance,danceI can jump,jump,jump.What can you do? I can play the piano.I can play the drum.And I can play the violin.drawdancesingswimspeak Englishplay the guitarplay chess A:What can he/she do ?B:He/She can...    What can these people do? Match the activities with the people?1.sing___2.swim___3.dance___4.draw___5.play chess___6.speak English___7.play the guitar___1aeENGLISH CLUBSWIMMING CLUBgdbcafbfdcage语法1动词的变换形式1, 动词原形。情态动词can后接动词原形.He can ___(swim).2,动词三单。当主语是第三人称单数时,用动词三单。He ___(swim) well.3,动词ing。like doing sth喜欢做某事=like to do sthHe likes ___(swim). She likes ___(dance)go swimming 去游泳4, 动词不定式。want to do sth 想要去做某事Tom wants ___(play) the guitar after class.5,动词变名词。sing—singer歌手 swim—swimmer游泳运动员dance—dancer舞者,run—runner 奔跑者Liu Huan is a __(sing). He ___(sing) well语法2play 用法1,play 直接加球/棋/游戏play soccer / chess / computer games2, play + the + 乐器play the piano / drums3,play with sb / sth 和某人玩,玩某物I like to play with my cat.四个“说” speak / say / tell / talk1,speak 演讲;说(某种语言)speak English / Chinese2,


Can you play the guitar全单元课件
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