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人教新目标七年级下unit 1Section A2a -3c课件

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Unit 1Can you play the guitar?Section A  Period 2 (2a -3c)  Can you say these in English?1.下象棋 2.弹吉他 3.英语俱乐部 4.艺术俱乐部  5.加入音乐俱乐部 6.我想加入音乐俱乐部 play chess play the guitarEnglish clubArt clubI want to join the music clubjoin the music club7.你会游泳吗? 8.她会弹吉他吗?会。 9.你们会画画吗?不会。 10.他们会说英语吗?会。 Can you swim?Can she play the guitar?Can you paint? Can they speak English?Yes, she can.No, we can’t . Yes, they can.swimspeak Englishplay chesspaintdanceplay the guitarplay computer gamesplay tennissingrunGuess what I can do    What can I do?You can ask: “Can you….?”猜猜我会什么   What can you do?I can …, but I can’t …I can swim and …Lin ShuhaoCan you play basketball?Yes, I can. I can… No, I can’t.I can’t …   What can he do?S.H.EThey can sing.Can you sing?   What can they do?Yes, I can. I can… No, I can’t.I can’t …Sun YangHe can swim.Can you swim?   What can he do?Yes, I can. I can… No, I can’t.I can’t …Li YangHe can speak English.Can you speak English?What can he do?He can play the guitar.Can you play the guitar?   What can he do?He can do Chinese kung fu    What can he do?She can dance.They can play ches


人教新目标七年级下unit 1Section A2a -3c课件
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