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新目标七年级下Unit 1 Can you play the guitarSection A课件

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Period one   Can you play the guitar?Unit 1No. 25 Middle School Feng Xiaomei、难点一、Can的用法(1)它是辅助动词帮助说明、意愿等的词,can后跟动词原形,并且它不随主语人称的变化而变化 。Eg. I  can  sing.    He  can  swim.(2) 变否定句直接在can后加“not”。Eg. I  can not  dance(3)变一般疑问句直接把can提前。Eg. Can you dance ?   What can you do ? Grammar focus Can的肯定句及否定句形式: IWeYouSheHeItThey can/ can’t play the guitar.Can 的一般疑问句形式: CanIweyousheheittheyplay the guitar?Can的肯定及否定回答: Yes, IWeYouShe   can.HeItTheyNo,        can’t.Iweyousheheitthey情态动词can小结:后面总是接动词原形,没有人称和数的变化.意思是”能,会”.用法口诀:情动can表,  和行为动词不分离.不管主语如变, can的模样永不变.只要出现情动can,动词原形后面站.一般疑问can提前,否定can后not添.趁热打铁1.They can play basketball after class.(改为一般疑问句,并作肯定和否定回答.)_______they_____ basketball after class?______,they______.______,they______.2.Liu Lin can sing in English.(改为否定句)Liu Lin_____ ______in English. CanplayYescanNocan’tcan’t sing -Sing, sing, sing, can you sing?     -Dance, dance, dance, can you dance?  -Swim, swim, swim, can he swim? -Yes. -Paint, paint, paint, can she paint? -Yes.-Guitar, guitar, guitar, can they play the guitar? -No.-English,English,English,can we speak English?         


新目标七年级下Unit 1 Can you play the guitarSection A课件
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