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七年级英语下Unit1 Can you play the guitar导学案

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七年级下册Unit1 Can you play the guitar? 导学案Section A  Period 1【学习目标】知识目标:学习情态动词can 的用法,学习单词及短语的用法技能目标:能在俱乐部招聘过程中进行简单的表达【学习重难点】Can 的用法及短语【学习过程】:一:典型例题初相见----敢尝试Sample1. She can     English.   A. speak  B. speaks   C. say   D. talkSample2. He can sing. He wants to     the music club.   A. take part in  B. join  C. join in  D. take part Sample3. Can you swim?  --     . I think it’s easy.   A. No, I can’t  B. Yes, I can  C. No, I can  D. Yes, I can’t Sample4. Liu Xiang is a     runner. He can run     .   A. good, good  B. well, well  C. good, well  D. well, goodSample5. I can play soccer. (对划线部分提问)           can you play?Sample6. My teacher is very good at      .   A. sing    B. to sing   C. singing   D. sangSample7. Can you play    guitar?     No, but I can play     chess.   A. the, the   B. /, the    C. the, /    D. /, /Sample8. Are they books or dictionaries? ---    . A. Yes, they are dictionaries.  B. No, they are books. C. They are dictionaries.   D. They are books and dictionaries.Sample9. Come and show    this weekend.   A. us it    B. it us    C. it to us   D. to it usSample10.


七年级英语下Unit1 Can you play the guitar导学案
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