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人教版七年级下册英语 Unit5 Section B 2a -2c课件

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Unit 5Why do you like pandas?Section B 2a -2c1.全世界野生大猫不足1600只,属中国国家一级保护动物。截止10月,全国圈养大猫数量为333只.最新的计算显示,野生考拉的数量仅有4.3万只。虎等野外种群已1916年宣布灭绝.亚洲狮列入濒危物种红色名录美国北卡来纳州东北部地区估计仅生存着100多头野生红狼?。are in great danger.(处极大危险中) Thailand泰国['tail?nd]flag  a symbol of good luck[simbl] 象征The first       of Thailand泰国的第一面旗大象与泰国的历史、文化、宗教、经济等面的关系极为密切,因此,无论是泰国国还是普通百姓,几乎人人都喜爱大象,对大象怀有深厚的感情。相传,佛祖释迦牟尼是在其母亲梦见白象后诞生的。泰国以佛教为国教,因而古往今来将白象视为镇国瑞兽,象征昌盛吉兆。而且大象还在战争中立下了赫赫战功。一位泰国历史学家曾说:如果没有大象,泰国的历史可能要重写。elephants are in great dangercut down many trees砍伐losing their homes丢失家园made of ivory象牙制品Kill杀害______ What Is an Elephant?______ Come to Thailand______ Let’s Save the Elephants______ Elephants Are Good Pets2b. Read and check (√) the best title for it. √Read the article again then answer the questions below.Where are the students from? 2. Why do people say elephants are smart animals?   3. Why are elephants in great danger? 4. What can we do to save them?They’re from Thailand.They can ...Because people cut down many trees and they kill elephants for their ivory.We must save the trees and not buy things made of i


人教版七年级下册英语 Unit5 Section B 2a -2c课件
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