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祥一、单项选择 (  ) 1. My father didn’t bring _______ umbrella this morning.     A. a B. an C. the D. /(  ) 2. We arrived _______ Beijing on September 17th. A. in  B. to  C. on  D. at(  ) 3. Don’t wait _________ me at dinner time. I’ll have a meeting.    A. of B. with C. for D. to(  ) 4. —Who teaches you the song? —Nobody, I learn it by ___________.A. mine B. me  C. my D. myself (  ) 5. ________ people used the computer thirty years ago, but now it’s very popular.    A. Quite a few  B. Few   C. No  D. Much (  ) 6. —How was the basketball game yesterday, Jeff? —Great! Everyone had a fun ____________.    A. idea  B. time  C. fun D. way(  ) 7. I’m afraid I can’t play with you. I have much homework __________.     A. do  B. does  C. doing  D. to do (  ) 8. We had some Sichuan food yesterday. It____________ really hot (辣的).A. taste B. tastes  C. tasted D. tasting(  ) 9. 一____________Nancy at home last weekend? 一No,she ___________. She was in the library with her friends. A. Does; doesn’t B. Was; wa


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