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写出下列汉字的单词当然;自然        决定;选定          饥饿的       活动           差别;差异          日记;记事簿      精彩的;          足够的;充足的       自行车        不多;很少         尝试;设法;努力      等待;等候    英汉互译go on vacation            stay at home           3.take a few photos       4.feed some hens          5.arrive i n           6.去夏令营            7 、大多数时间        8、记 日记             三、1.Last weekend w e had great fun    on the beach.A.playing   B.to play    C.played  D.play2.It’s cold,so we decied    TV at home.That made me ve ry happy.A.watch   B.to watch    C.watchi ng  D.watched3.The meat didn’t taste    . You’d better leave it. A.good    B.well     C.fine    D.bad四、 用括号内所有单词的适 当形式填空1.We went    (camp)in the mountains last summer vacation.2.Last year I      (have)great fun in Guilin.3.I      (find) a wallet on the ground just now.4.I decided      (go)there with him.5.She showed me some of her      (photo)6.What about      (dance)? Good idea.7.I     for th e math test now.(study).        


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