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人教版八下Unit 1 Section A (1a-1c)课件PPT

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Unit 1 What’s the matter?Section A Period 1 eararmhandlegfoot(feet)head, haireyenosemouthtooth(teeth)facestomachbackWhere is his neck?neckan    an    an                      Look and sayeareyemouthnoseteethlegheadarmhandfootneckstomachbackNew words and phrases.1. matter (n.): 问题; 事情; 物质; 原因  eg: What’s the matter? =What’s the trouble/problem? =What’s up/wrong?     怎么了? 出什么事了?   eg: What’s the matter with you? = What’s wrong with you? = What’s your matter?     你怎么了?  (v.): 有关系;要紧  eg: It doesn’t matter. 没关系。2. sore (adj.): 疼痛的; 酸痛的 ≈ ache (adj.) 疼痛的  sore back/throat/leg/eye ?headache/toothache /stomachache3. have a cold: 感冒 ≈ get a cold ≈ catch a cold; ?have a bad cold: 患重感冒4. stomach (n.): 胃; 腹部   stomach+ache = stomachache (n.) 胃痛; 腹痛 ?合成词/复合词  have a stomachache 胃痛 5. foot (n.): 脚; 足; 英尺 ? (pl. feet) ? tooth—teeth牙齿; goose — geese鹅  three feet/teeth/geese: 三只脚/三英尺/三颗牙齿/三只鹅6. neck (n.): 颈; 脖子 ? neck and neck: (赛跑时)齐头并进; 不分上下; 并驾齐驱7. throat (n.): 咽喉; 喉咙 ? sore throat: 喉咙痛Illness: at the doctor’s (在医生的诊所)What’s the matter?I have a toothache. What’s the matter?    这是询问病人病情时最用的问句, 意思是


人教版八下Unit 1 Section A (1a-1c)课件PPT
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