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人教版八年级英语下册unit 7 section b(2a-2e)学案

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Unit7 What’s the hightest mountain in the world? SectionB 2a—2e学案激情投入,挑战自我,小组合作,快乐学习!Ⅰ.学习目标: 1.准确把握文章主旨,了解关猫的相关知识,语言表达。2.掌握单词、短语endangered ,bamboo, research, keeper, awake, excitement, illness, remaining, wild, government, fall over, walk into,run over…3.引导学生热爱大自然,树立保护野生动物的意识。Ⅱ.重难点:运用阅读技巧对阅读文章进行理解和分析 (阅读时,可根据阅读务的不同,运用略读(skimming)与扫读(scanning) ,快速阅读水平。)            课前预习Ⅰ、自学要求:1).掌握本单元的单词和短语。2).先略读课文后把握文章的主旨,完成课前预习。Ⅱ、预习自测:1. 默写出下列单词。濒危的__________激动、兴奋___________竹子__________醒着__________ 遗留的__________调查、研究_________ 政府 __________疾病_________饲养员___________野生的__________ 插图_________  大约_______走路时撞着________  绊倒__________  成都研究基地______________2. 略读全文,将文章进行分 ,并将大意与落连线。Part1 (   )   Introduce the pandasPart2 (   )   Ways of saving pandasPart3 (   )   Keep baby pandas课内探究Ⅰ、预习反馈Ⅱ、小组合作,探究解疑。1. Scan and choose.扫读全文,选择最佳选项。1). Adult pandas spend more than ____ hours a day eating ____kilos of bamboo. A. 10,12  B. 12, 10   C. 12,20002). ____ pandas live in the zoo or research centers in China or other countries. A. 200   B.About 200  C. Fewer than 200      3). Scientists say there are __


人教版八年级英语下册unit 7 section b(2a-2e)学案
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