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人教版新目标英语八年级下册 unit 8 have you read treasure island yet writing课件

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Unit 8 My favorite writer(我最喜欢的作家)写作话题:Famous people               (名人名家)1.掌握说明文的写作法及技巧,培养在写前分析题目及列提纲的习惯从而学会以名人作家、歌星、体育明星、演员的思想、行为、经历、成就或作品为线索的人 物介绍的写作法。2.掌握提纲性作文的写作策略。3.激励自己学海无涯苦作舟,发奋图强可触及理想的彼岸。Writing Guidelines(写作法指导)1.评价人物的说明文写作线索一般叙述的线索可分为以下几种:(1)以时间为线索,描写名人成名的心路历程。(2)以人物的成就或作品为线索,对名人展开叙述和正面的评价。(3)以人物的思想行为及认知的过程为线索来展开。①works②a great success ③difficulty in life ④one of the most successful musicians, ⑤in American history⑥a fan of⑦the best basketball player in China ⑧sing live,⑨good old days…1. Language box(语言工具箱)名词词块: (1)Chunks(词块) ( )生活中困难,  ( )一位成功的音乐家, ( )巨大成功, ( )一位粉丝, ( )现场演唱, ( )作品, ( )在美国历史中, ( )昔日好时光, ( )中国最好的篮球运员?④②⑥⑧①⑤⑨⑦动词词块: ①be interested in ②overcome difficulties ③have fun doing ④never give up ⑤the book/recorded/song was written by ⑥work...as ⑦enjoy success(in) ⑧set an excellent example to  ⑨ remind sb of…(  )担(  )克服困难(  )永不放弃(  )由…写的书/唱片/歌曲, (  )享受成功,(  )享受干某事, (  )对…有兴趣, (  )让某人想起⑥②④⑤⑦③①⑧形容词词词块:①a successful song/CD/book ②amazing/interesting book/movie③fantastic  ④excellent ⑤fabulous ⑥well-known…(  )有趣的书/电影 (  )成功的歌曲/CD/书 (  )极好的   (  )美妙的 (  )出名的 (  )


人教版新目标英语八年级下册 unit 8 have you read treasure island yet writing课件
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