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人教版八年级下册英语Unit9 sectionA 3a-3c课件PPT

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Unit 9Have you ever been to a museum?Section A 3a-3cQ: Have you ever been to a museum?museumhistory museumcomputer museumart museumnature museumscience museumspace museumfilm museumDo you know what kinds of museums?Lead-in1. Which three museums do the students   talk about?  ReadingAmerican Computer Museumthe International Museum of Toilets in India The International Museum of Toilets.   国际马桶博物馆这是位印度新德里的一个主题式展览馆,收藏、列的马桶装置十分丰富,从古至今,应有尽有,简直就是一部厕所的发展史。参观者可从不同角度去认识厕所的演变 史。同时,博物馆里还收藏了多名人用过的厕所及相关物品的复制品,旨在开拓人们 视野,进行社会文明教育,推广环保宣传和研究。Hangzhou National Tea Museum2. What do you think is the most   interesting thing about each museum?e.g. In the American Computer Museum, I think the most interesting thing is ...(  ) 1. American Computer Museum only has information about different computers there.(  ) 2. A special computer is that it can play chess worse than humans.FF(  ) 3. International Museum of Toilets is a very unusual museum. (  ) 4. The Museum of Toilets teaches      people the history of toilets.(  ) 5. Linlin didn’t know why her grandpa loved drinking and collecting tea set.TTFKen: T


人教版八年级下册英语Unit9 sectionA 3a-3c课件PPT
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