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人教版新目标八年级下册unit9 period 4课件

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            Unit 9   Have you ever been to a museum?Period 4有关计算机的信息 一个不寻的博物馆 品种繁多的马桶厕所的发展鼓励某人做某事 社会团体茶艺表演沏一杯完美的茶收集茶具一个品茶的好地have information about computers  a very unusual museummany different kinds of toiletsthe development of toiletsencourage sb. to do sth.social groupstea art performancesmake a perfect cup of teacollect tea setsa nice place to enjoy tea1. 我见过的最有趣的博物馆是美国电脑博物馆。The most interesting museum I’ve ever been to is the American Computer Museum.2. 科技以如此迅猛的式发展真是令人难以置信啊。It’s unbelievable that technology has progressed in such a rapid way.3. 看到那里有如此多的马桶时,我简直不敢相信自己。I just couldn’t believe my eyes when I saw so many kinds of toilets there.4. 看茶艺准备工作和喝茶本身一样令人愉快。Watching the tea preparation is just as enjoyable as drinking the tea itself.1. 汤姆已经几次去过太空博物馆了。2. 他们俩都已经去过游乐园了。3. 琳达从没去过艺术博物馆。4. 皮特和鲍勃都没去过电影博物馆。5. 她们俩都不曾去过历史博物馆。Tom has been to the space museum a couple of times.Both of them have been to the amusement park.Linda hasn’t been to an art museum before.Neither Peter nor Bob has been to the film museum.Neither of them has been to the history museum.Have you been to/ visited…


人教版新目标八年级下册unit9 period 4课件
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