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人教版八上Unit1 教案

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课Unit1教学设计Unit 1 Where did you go on vacation?课教学设计一、导学稿T:Please take out the paper, and discuss Ex.1 in groups. Then correct the mistakes you have.S:小展示T:Do you have any questions?S:No.T:I have some questions for you.(把学生在导学稿中出现的一些典型的比较集中的错误作个简要点拨)二、Lead-inT:Well, I had a good time last summer. (呈现图片)  Can you guess where I went last summer?S:Hainan.T:Yes, I went to Hainan last summer. It was wonderful. I went there with my friends. And I took quite a few photos there. What about your summer vacation?Where did you go? How was it? Did you go with anyone? What did you do there?(个别问几个学生回答)S1/S2/S3/S4:…T:Can you ask your partners? Now let’s do pair work like this.- Where did you go on your vacation?- I visited__________.It was_________.- Oh, really? Did you go with anyone?- Yes, I did. I went with_______.- What did you do there?-  I_________.三、Presentation (Review the phrases and the sentences.)T:Yes, you see. I took quite a few photos there. Now let me show you my photos.(一边呈现图片,一边让学生对图片相应的词组进行回忆,以填空的式来辅助引导他们)S:…T:_____to the airport  ;  start  ____ a little  ;  It______rainy/wet.


人教版八上Unit1 教案
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