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Unit 1 Where did you go on vacation Section B Section B 3a-self-check导学提纲

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 福均班级:    姓名:     小组:      评价:    【学习目标】Finish the diary entry about a trip to Beijing according to 3a.2. Write a travel diary about yourself according to the questions in 3b.3. Finish the tasks in Self-check.【难点】能根据3a要点写一篇自己的旅行日记在写游记的过程中掌握过去时态和日记的格式。【导学流程】预习内容:完成书上P8---Self-check Activity 1,写在书上。流程:【导】【思】Look at the form and learn to how to write a diary.                      _____Date( Wednesday, July 20th)__    Beginning: I went to + place (地点)+ time(时间), it was + adj.(表述天气的形容词)__    Body: In the morning, I……____________________________________________      In the afternoon, I ……____________________________________________      In the evening, I ……_______________________________________________      (按时间顺序表述旅行中做了什么,看到了什么,吃了什么,买了什么……)    Ending:It was a/an ……vacation, I felt very + adj.(表述感受,对旅行的评价)【展】___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Unit 1 Where did you go on vacation Section B Section B 3a-self-check导学提纲
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