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人教版八年级英语上Unit 1单元教学案

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年级: 八年级 :英语  教师: 春     课题:unit 1 Where did you go on vacation ? 导学案Unit 1 Where did you go on vacation? Section A 1a—1c(第1)学习目标:1、学会谈论过去发生的事件—学习一般过去时的用法 2、掌握规则动词的变换规则     3、熟记一些用的不规则动词.导学过程:激趣定标: 1.激趣导入 :Did you go on vacation last summer?Yes, I did . No, I didn’t .2.Where did you go on vacation? I went to… 师生互动问答,导入新课。展示学习目标自学互动, 适时点拨学习务一:写出下列动词的过去式 stay________ do_________ stop_________ play_________  go_______  buy_______  have_______ like_________visit________ are_________  carry_________学习务二:快乐译一译, 完成1a. 1.stayed at home_________   5.went to summer camp_________2.went to New York city______  6.went to the mountains_________ 3.visited my uncle_________   7.go to the beach_________  4.visited museums 学习务三: pair work Do 1c ,Make conversation about the people in the picture .Where did Tina go on vacation ?She went to the mountains .师生、生生 小组操练等等。 学习务四:Do 1b .Listen and number the people in the picture .   1. Students read the names.     2. Students guess their activities.3. Finish the task:4. Check the answers.     5. Students read and know the meaning of this passage. 三


人教版八年级英语上Unit 1单元教学案
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