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八年级英语上册Unit 1 Where did you go on vacation Section B 2a-2e教学案

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Unit 1  Where did you go on vacation?Section B 2a—2e执 笔审  核课  型课  时1授课班级授间姓  名学案编号NO. 6【课  题】Unit 1  Where did you go on vacation?Section B 2a—2e教师复备栏或学生笔记栏【学习目标】掌握本课的生词、短语、句型理解本课的主旨大意对本课的内容进行归纳、对话改写、及仿写。【学习难点】学会用过去式写旅游日记。掌握本课的生词、短语、句型对本课的内容进行归纳、对话改写、及仿写。【学法指导】仔细阅读课文---理解课文大意----句子理解----完成相关务。【教学过程】【教学过程】导入(启发探究 3分钟)A依照例句写句子 例句:He went to the Central Park. He didn’t go to the Central Park. Did he go to the Central Park? Yes,he did. /No,he didn’t. 1、I went somewhere interesting. 否定:______________________________________一般疑问句并回答_____________________________________________________________________________2、She bought something for her father. 否定:______________________________________一般疑问句并回答_____________________________________________________________________________3、We fed some hens and saw some baby pigs. 否定:______________________________________一般疑问句并回答_____________________________________________________________________________4、He took a bag with food and water. 否定:______________________________________一般疑问句并回答_____________________________


八年级英语上册Unit 1 Where did you go on vacation Section B 2a-2e教学案
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