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Unit 3  I am more outgoing than my sister    Section A 1a-2d(period1)      (100分) 班级________    姓名________    评价______一.写出下列单词的比较级(50分)1. tall_____________ 2. thin________   3. long__________ 4. quietly__________ 5. short_________  6. heavy_________7. fast_____________ 8. laing______________ 11.clearly ________________二. 根据句意提示完成句子(50分)1.他性格外向,喜欢交朋友。He is _________ and likes making friends.2. ---谁比Jim年纪大?  -------克。 ---- Who is_____than Jim?  ----Jack is.3 .------谁的苹果更重,你姐姐的还是你弟弟的?-----我弟弟的。 ---- Whoes(谁的) apples_____ _____,your sister or your brother?   ----My brother’s.他比我更文静。 He is  _____than me. 汤姆和克工作一样努力。 Tom works ______ hard _____ Jack.选做题(20)Han Xing is __________ __________ (outgoing) than his brother.The twin sisters always get up ___________(early) than the others every morning.Bob isn’t so as___________(friend) as Tom at school. Jim plays ___________(well) than Peter in playing basketball. Unit3  I am more outgoing than my sister    Sectin A Grammar Focus-3C(period2)     (100分)班级________   姓名________     评价______一.词汇(


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