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人教版八上Unit3 SectionB2b阅读课课件

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  祥学习目标:1.限时快速阅读,了解文章大意和中心。2.慢速扫读,获取具体细节信息,并使用自己的话表述清楚。3.大声有感情的朗读,体会作者的写作意图。4.小组合作绘制思维导图,学会利用关键词,梳理文并复述文,并体会合作学习的乐趣。Enjoy a song Cry on My Shoulder.New wordskidmirrorgradesayinghandheartarmbeaklaughloudsimilarPhrasesas long as be different fromthe same asin factbring outThink Should friends be different or the same?What is your opinion?Reading2bRead the passages quickly and match the person with the right ideas. Friends are like books —you don’t need a lot of them.It’s not necessary to be the same. My best friend is quite different from me. A true friend reaches for your hand and touches your heart.Mary SmithHuang LeiJeff Green评价务一 快速阅读,找出三的中心P1. A good friend is like a mirror.P2. It’s not necessary to be the same.P3. A true friend reaches for your hand and touches your heart.扫读回答下列问题1.Is Jeff less serious than most kids?2.Who is Huang Lei’s best friend?3.What does Larry look like?4.What is Mary’s favorite saying?5.What happened to Mary and her best  friend last year?评价务二比一比哪


人教版八上Unit3 SectionB2b阅读课课件
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