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八年级英语上册unit 3 I m more outgoing than my sister (period ii)导学案

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八 年级 英语 导学案人:     人:      二次:               使用时间:_9.14___   页码:第 5 页     学生姓名:        课题:Unit 3 I’m more outgoing than my sister. (Period II)课型新知预展课(听说课)学习目标1.Listen an d complete t he tasks.  2. Make a conversation. 学 习:Listen and complete the tasks. 学习过程:StepⅠ P review. Translate. (Read 1a on P 20)have cool clothes ___________ _ 和…相同 _________________擅长_____________ ___关心, 在意 _____________________make me l augh ____________ a good listener_________________Step II Free talk. Talk about what you think a good friend should be like?Step III Listen to 1c and 1d.Step IV Make a conversation according to 1c. A: Molly studies harder than her best friend. B: Well, Mary and her best friends are both tall.Step V. Exercises.1. I think science is ________ than art. A. important   B. much important   C. much more important2. My cloth es are the same ____ his but my shoes are different _____his.A. like; and    B. as; with    C. as; from 3. The man sang a beautiful song to make the baby________. A. sleep  B. to sleep   C. sleeps4._______ th ey are twins , they don’t loo


八年级英语上册unit 3 I m more outgoing than my sister (period ii)导学案
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