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八年级英语上册Unit3 SectionB 1a-2e学案

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Unit 3 I’m more outgoing than my sisterSectionB 1a---2e【学习目标】1.学会使用比较级和其他用比较的词文章介绍自己交友的原则及自己和好友的相同点和不同点。2.学会招聘广告及通过比较选择适合招聘的最佳人选。【学习难点】将比较级灵活地运用到文章或谈话中去。【学法指导】 模仿运用教学过程:学习务一:阅读1a中的内容及1b中的对话后,完成下列各题。1.翻译下列词组。have cool clothes_______________; be popular in school_______________; like to do the same things as me_______________________; b e good at______________;    make sb. Laugh________________;2.使用1a中的词句,按下边对话提示制作对话。A:I think a good friend should h ave cool clothes. What about you?B: In my opinion, a good friend should like to do the same things as me. I don’t think a good friend should have cool clothes.C: For me, a good friend should …. I think it’s unnecessary for a good friend to be good at school-work..3.展示你们的对话。学习务二:阅读1c、1d题目,完成下列要求。1.弄清题意并 小组讨论如做才能自己的听力。2.听磁带,完成听力。注意使用你们讨论所得的听力技巧。学习务三:阅读1.翻译下列词组。belike            like reading books                    like studying harder.          enjoy studying together.it’s not easy for me to make friend s. don’t need a l ot of them        as long as It’s not necessary to        be different from helps to bring out the best in me


八年级英语上册Unit3 SectionB 1a-2e学案
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