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新目标英语八年级上册Unit 3第6课时学案

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Unit 3 I’m more outgoing than my sister第6学案【课  题】Unit 3 I’m more outgoing than my sisterSectionB 2a---2e教师复备栏或学生笔记栏【学习目标】1.学会使用比较级和其他用比较的词文章介绍自己交友的原则及自己和好友的相同点和不同点。2.学会招聘广告及通过比较选择适合招聘的最佳人选。【学习难点】将比较级灵活地运用到文章或谈话中去。【学法指导】模仿运用【教学过程】【教学过程】导入(启发探究 3分钟) 选择填空。1.Lu Xian has more foreign friends than Wang Ban __________.A. is B. have C. was D. does.2.I think the Chinese are _________than the Japanese.A friendlier B. more friendly C. friendlyer D. more friendlier.3.Their grandparents ________ at home on weekends.A are all B. are both C. all are D. both are.4. Are you good _____ spending time with kids? We need a teacher.A. as B. in C. at D for5.This summer is much _______ than last summer.A. too hot B. hot C. hotter D. hottest.X k B 1 . c o m“it”做形式主语和形式宾语。Getting on well with your classmates is very important for you.仔细观察这个句子,你可以发现,划线部分是这个句子的主语。英语也是一门非美的语言,为了避免头重脚轻,让这个句子均衡,主语可用it来取代,把真正的主语使用to+动词原形放到句子后边。具体如下:It is very important for you to get on well with your classmates.I find it a little difficult for me to get on well with my classmates. 在这个句子中,你可以发现,划线部分是做了这个句


新目标英语八年级上册Unit 3第6课时学案
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