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unit 4 what is the best movie theater(第5课时)教案

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英语 八年级上册Unit 4What’s the best movie theater?Period 5Content Section B 3a, 3b, 3c, 4, Self Check 1, 2教学目标要求1.能够谈论事物特性及个人喜好的简单语篇。2.能够完整写出谈论关个人对某一事物喜好的小文章。3.本单元所学形容词、副词最高级变化规律,如:fast-fastest, creative-most creative, big-biggest, friendly-friendliest, nice-nicest等。4.本单元所学形容词、副词最高级特殊变化,如:good-best, bad-worst等。5.本单元所学形容词、副词最高级的应用,如:Eli at the photo, this is Greenwood Park. It is beautiful and many people like it. 展示Greenwood Park 的图片。 3a时间6 m3完成3a介绍,学习目标句式。Now read 3a and fill in the blanks.学生阅读3a句子,完成填词务。Then who can answer my question? What does the writer do in Greenwood Park?请个别同学回答给全班核对答案。       4阅读3a内容,加深理解。Read 3a in groups now. 四人小组开展朗读务,每个学生朗读两句,变换顺序再次朗读,直到每个学生都有机会朗读到每个句子。5阅读3a内容,分析句的作用。XXX, can you read the first and last sentence for us?教师请学生朗读文章的开头和结尾句:Greenwood Park is the best place to go to on weekends. There is something for everyone at Greenwood Park. 让学生说说它们的功能(总起或总结).引导学生


unit 4 what is the best movie theater(第5课时)教案
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