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人教版英语八年级上册Unit4 第三课时导学案

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Unit4  What’s the best movie theater?第三Section B(1a—1e)学习目标听的学习词汇:performer, creative句型:I couldn’t stop laughing!     He kept dropping the balls!学习法练习听力,找出听的技巧预习独学: 1、独立完成课本1a(写出相应的反义词)2、记忆单词3、将1b的对话在本上互学:听力练习1、听第一遍完成课本1c的内容。2、听第二遍完成课本1d的内容。展 示质疑一 )stop的用法1. The two girls stopped talking when they s aw me.2. The two girls stopped to talk to me when they saw me.二)keep的用法Although h e was very tired, he still kept working.点拨一)stop doing sth 的意思是      ,stop to do sth的意思是      另外还有:can’t stop doing”情不自禁做…”      stop还可以做名词意为车站二)keep doing sth 意为不断地做某事…,坚持做…反馈小结:1. The teacher is coming. Stop   (talk)and do your homework.2. Miss Wang told us to stop    (write)and     (listen)to her.3. If you keep     (practice) speakin g English, you can learn English well.拓展:一)根据汉语提示完成句子1、谁是最佳表演者?Who wa s the          ?2、他比你有创意。He’s          than you.3、你喜欢昨天的才艺表演吗?Do you like yesterday’s         .4、这是菜单。请点菜吧!Here’s the     . Please take your     .5、那个记者买了两票。The     bought two     .二)补全 对话A: What’s that a great talent     ?B: Yeah! It    really a great talent s


人教版英语八年级上册Unit4 第三课时导学案
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