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八年级英语上册Unit 6 语法练习讲学稿

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八年级英语导学稿(8英)课题: 八年级上语法练习unit6一. 单项选择 (  )1. I am going to find a part-time job for ___________ month ___________ two in the holiday.A. a, or    B. one, or    C. a; and    D. one; and6(  )2. The boy says that he is going to buy a mobile phone ___________ the money he made.A. in    B. with    C. by   D. /(  )3. -___________ are you going to be a math scientist?【 :21·    ·    ·     】-I am going to learn math well.A. What   B. Why    C. How   D. When(  )4. –Where ___________ you ___________ in the future?【 :  】-Shanghai. I think it's a beautiful city.A. did; work          B. do; workC. are; going to work      D. were; working(  )5. -Where are you going to work when you grow up?-I'm not sure ___________.A. still        B. already    C. yet      D. ever(  )6. -I'm going to learn the piano when I retire.-That sounds ___________ a good idea.A. like   B. as    C. about   D. of(   )7. I have ___________ foreign friends. I often receive e-mails from them.21A. little  B. a little   C. few   D. a few(  )8. The girl likes music very much. She often practices ___________ in the morning.A.


八年级英语上册Unit 6 语法练习讲学稿
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