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八年级英语上册 unit 6 I m going to study computer science导学案

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Unit6 I’m going to study computer science.Period 1 Section A (1a-2c) 学习目标: 知识目标: 1. 口、笔头掌握以下句型: A: What do you want to be when you grow up ? B:I’m going to be a computer programmer.A :How are you going to do that ?      B :I’m going to study computer science. A: What does Cheng Han want to be?     B :He wants to be…2. 熟练掌握以下词汇 :grow up, computer programmer, cook, doctor, engineer, violinist, driver,  pilot, pianist, scientist3. 正确使用when 引导的时间状语从句,并能用be going to 结构对将来的事做出计划。技能目标: 能听懂用be going to结构谈论自己及他人理想职业的对话,并能用这种结构进行相关话题的会话情感态度: 通过谈论将来的计划打算和怎样实现这一目标,引导学生思考自己的人生目标,及早为将来做准备,树立正确的人生观。课前准备I. 你熟悉下列人物吗?通过学习,试着写出他们职业的英文表达式。Yang Liwei:_____________   Jackie Chen:______________Jay Chou: _____________   Yao Ming: ______________II.回忆并写出我们学过的有关职业的英文表达式:___________________________________你知道更多的职业的英文表达式吗?查资料写下来与同伴分享吧(可参考41页的1a)学习过程  Before listening 1. 1a各组同学说出职业名称并写在黑板上。 读出这些职业名称,小组成员互相正音。2.在这些职业中, 选出你长大后想从事的职业并简单谈论一下。A: What do you want to be when you grow up ?  B: I want to be ….A: How are you going to do that?        B: I’m going to…While listening1. 1b Listen twice and fill in the blank


八年级英语上册 unit 6 I m going to study computer science导学案
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