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英语八上Unit6 全单元学案(共5课时)

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Unit 6 I’m going to study computer science. 第1 Section A 1a---2c【课标要求】 学习运用一般将来时【学习目标】 掌握以下知识点记忆本课7个单词及2个短语 熟练运用句型-What are you going to be……?-I'm going to be ……谈论将来意向,运用句型-How are you going……?--I'm going to …….谈论实现式。【学习】. 动词一般将来时及时间状语从句的使用【前测】自学与小组讨论1+1自主学习 通过自学能写出下列有关职业名词:程序师___________工程师____________飞行员_____________教师___________演员__________篮球运动员__________________电脑程序员___________钢家__________科学家__________驾驶员___________小提手__________计算机程序_____________________长大________________短语:学习计算机科学_______________每天练习篮球_________努力学习数学__________学习表演课程_________________【1+1】:小组讨论和小组展示1+1Task1. 探究学习 学习谈论将来意向及实现式1、记忆并练习下列对话:-What are you going to be when you grow up?-I'm going to be a basketball player.-How are you going to do that?-I'm going to practice basketball every day..“be going to+动词原形"表示计划、打算要做或即将发生的事,be有人称和数的变化。例:我打算学习计算机科学。                         2、1a Do you think these jobs are interesting?Rank them.  1b Listen and fill in the blanks. Then match the items.  1c Practice the conversation. Then make conversations about the other jobs in 1a.   2a Listen and check the correct boxe


英语八上Unit6 全单元学案(共5课时)
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