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新版八年级英语上Unit 7精讲精练

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Unit 7  Will people have robots?学习目标一般将来时will do sth. / there will be 单元 Section A一般将来时 时间标:否定式一般疑问句 答句in & after相同点: 这两个词后都可接时间,表示“在 · · · · · · 以后”不同点:  1). “in+一时间”表示以现在为起点的将来一时间以后,与将来时连用. 2). “after+一时间”表示以过去某一时间点开始的一时间以后,一般过去时连用. 当after后接某一时间点时,仍可用将来时.练习,用in 或 after填空1. It’ll be finished _____ five minutes.     2. He rang you up ______supper.3. I’ll be free ______ nine o’clock.4. It’s two o’clock. I’ll come _____ an hour.练习,根据中文意思填空1. 如果明天下,我们就不去那儿了。We_____ _____ there if it _____tomorrow. 2. 她打算星期天再帮助 Tim 一次。She_____ _____ _____ _____Tim again on Sunday.3. 这个末有一次会议。There_____ _____ a meeting this weekend.4. “Betty不久会出院吗?” “______ Betty get out of the hospital soon?”“是的,几天后她就会出院了。” “Yes, she will. She _____ get out of the hospital _____ ______ _______ _______.”5. “你很快会回来吗?” “Will you be back soon?”“是的,我一以后回来。” “Yes, ______ _______. I’ll ______ ______ ______ ______ ______.” 选择1. Will people use money __________100 years?A. on      B. between     C. in    D. before2..He is happy that he _____in a tall apartment next year.A. live      B. lives      C. will live  D


新版八年级英语上Unit 7精讲精练
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